Monday, January 11, 2016

Righteously Dividing The Enemy

     Je suis (I Am, We are) Jesus Christ, the first thing you read is how they came into his house, pushed his wife aside, grabbed and took him into the yard, aimed a gun and shot him seven times. He who once was a Muslim, but now converted to Jesus Christ, even an outreach Evangelist, some even called him an Apostle. I mean it is said, he knew this would happen, from a death penalty, to a death threat, to a grave, now He too sat in Holy Places.
     Magnificently, that Christ’s rule, until all of our enemies are made Christ’s footstool, so who is the shepherd of your death? Get Jesus, the only blessed dying, where immortal death (the second death, hell), hath no power. "He that lose his life for my sake shall gain it forever more, for I will raise him up on the last day," Jesus, that day my siblings in Christ, hath come. Apb, 

     -Forgive us, O God, according to thy loving kindness, according to the multitudes of thy tender mercies, wash us thoroughly from our iniquities and cleanse us, from sin. For we acknowledge our transgressions and our sins are ever before thee, against thee, thee only God/Father, have we sinned and done this evil in thy sight, that you might be justified when you speak and be clear when you judge. Behold we were shaped in iniquity and in sin did our mother conceive us. See Psalm 51,

Prophecy Link

A Voice Declaring: “Five More Disasters,

     -Seen To Be In A Dream were I receive text message, after text message, after many alike messages stating the same thing, “Jesus is coming, Jesus is on his way!” 02/17/2015

     -Seen to be seeing the rise of the anti-Christ, as so a play on, with a large meteor like rock released to descend, when a voice declared: This is the anti-Christ (NWO, Elite, Wealth Of The Wicked), murderer, the compete destruction of King Nebuchadnezzar's Image of emerging nations by a stone cut out without hands falling from heaven on the map, Dan. 2:3-49, 02/14/2015

     -A Voice Declaring: "A Catastrophe On The earth," the end of crystal skies mightily on the map 05/11/2014

     -Seen to be seeing a ferocious beast filled with their swallow, tearing through, chomping and eating it's way from the pulpit to the pews, a beast in the assembly of great apostasy (false churches), on the map 05/11/2014.

 When Is Sin, Sin? 
     -Someone asked a question, about, well, what’s a lesbian pastor, teacher, leader? And I answered, a sinner, but I should have said, according to God's word, they and all fornicators are sinners. These ever evils, not only putting themselves in danger of hell’s fire, but all who are listening and receiving them spewing their deception, they are the greatest liars, Holy Spirits describes as those Making God a Liar.
     I'm reminded of this pre-school lesbian teacher, bragging toward America, the world, how she encourage her 4 years old students into same sex marriage, it' like saying, only to mock, to meddle, hey Noah's flood, guess you missed us. I just want to say, every parent of those children who didn't react, who didn't protest and get their kids out of there, they are the ones like the religious who've committed the greatest offense against those children, see Romans the 1st chapter 
And Their Foolish Hearts, Humanity, Where darken

The Great Apostasy, God Gave Them Up, The Great Apostasy, God Gave them Up

Roman’s 1:24-32, Jimmy Swaggart’s Expositors Bible, in the red, as so those of Apostle P. Bradford, in purple

24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, (not merely permissive, but God judicially delivered them over) {acknowledge, this wasn’t something could do with Noah’s Earth, or Sodom and Gomorrah, as the women seed yet laid in the birth of the earth, and Lucifer created this evil with purpose to defile them both, thus sexual abnormality, a sin that can’t be measured, Apb} to dishonor their own bodies between themselves: (speaks of every  type of immorality), {EVERY! Apb}
25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, (refers back to verse 23, which speaks of spiritual and sexual uncleanness) and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, (this refers to man worshipping a creation of his own hand, JSM) {For they being Ignorant, rebellious, having their minds seared}, (which mean he is worshipping something less than himself), {what Lucifer offers the first parents, and Satan, unto the Last Adam, Jesus, God had already given them, much more greater and without limits, those gifts beyond imagination, Apb}, who is blessed forever. Amen. (should have been translated bless ed, two syllables; because it refers to the one doing the blessing, in this case, the lord) {thus, vain is what Satan, Man and Religion offers, it profits nothing, a reaching for the wind, but instead to worship God, ‘King Solomon, Apb}

26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: (the lord removed his restraints and therefore gave them unimpeded access to their desires {wicked desires Apb}) {and if one think this is ever easy, apparently no one has ever pulled out your sorely beating heart and left you profusely bleeding as a result. Though just the phrase, “god gave them up,” with such the horror on repeat, “and God gave them up;” did I ever tell you how devastated I was, heart, mind, soul, substance, blood, again heart, when I learn born sin and living in sin, completely separate us, me, from God.  That regardless of it all, He couldn’t even hear me, us, you, talk about your shock and awe, my amazing Grace, what a damning fate, see Ps. 51, 66:18, Ii Chorn. 7:14. 15}, for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: (in short speaks of Lesbianism,) {five words, “remember the garden of Eden, Adam,” ok six words, “where was Adam, the man, made from?” Ok, a few more, 18 words and two ok’s, ok, ok, so I lost count, just you remember from whence thou art fallen, come back, repent, Jesus, Apb}

27 And likewise also the men, (homosexuality) {and god gave them up, x’s 2, is where this Apostle is stuck, what a major catastrophe on the earth of man, it always have been, remember things seen not as things which do appear, see Heb. 11:3, Apb}, leaving the natural use of the woman, (speaks of the sex which is performed {naturally} between a husband {natural born husband, Holy Spirit,} and his wife.{natural born wife, Holy Spirit, Apb}
     {I was on like this 21 day fast, sick as a dog some would say, Holy Spirit got right into my ear, “you sure he’s worth all of this?” Speaking of my less than a year old husband Melvin Neal, and I said, “I love him, love is worth this,” and that was it, ‘for God so Loved (forgave), the world.  Hey you guys, lest I forget, it was doing this fast, 2013, I woke up one morning leaving the Throne as I did, with blissful members of the Heavenly Host, citing how they couldn’t wait to be with me, that’s with us, I know, I know. Adam and Eve birth from nature, of the red earth where also created married, genius I know, so the woman seed. Well, Jesus, could eventually be birth from her, hence same-sex or fornication period are abominations to God committed against His Ordain By His Son’s Shed Blood, Temple, Apb}.

     Burned in their lust one toward another; (raging lust), {unthinkably, it’s like forever, that’s for all infinity, having an itch, you can't reach, that’s driving you crazy, even suicidal, did I say for all infinity? WHAT TORTURE! With a lake of fire equally this immeasurable threat for all of time, winding around and around right through all of man, Apb}. Men with men working that which is unseemly, (specifies it’s direction which is total perversion), {now legalized against God’s Temple, with pedophiles wanting a go at it, that’s legalization, talk about your Cain slaying Abel on this continual, God save the children! Apb}. and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet. (refers to the penalty attached to wrongdoing){ah, sin, i. e. error, this is the same word Holy Spirits used when describing Bush war on the axis of evil, now an Islamic/Antichrist reign ensues with  billions to die, hopefully not with their souls attached, GOT JESUS?  Thus is the way that seem right unto man, ERROR, but the end thereof, as described by Jesus of the broad way, it is the way of death, damnation! See more here, Apb}

28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, (carries the idea of the human race, putting God to the test of whether to approve or disapprove him) {please see America, and Satan as a form of temptation offering her right up to Jesus, Apb} God gave them over to a reprobate mind, (Light rejected, to Light withdrawn){‘having their minds darken,’ this is Jesus threating the churches of Asia, at taking away their candlestick, their ability to comprehend the righteousness of God.  So if you ever wondered whether the Supreme Court did something mightily wrong, here is even a biblical answer, thus the second inconceivable reality, that God simply, ‘gave them up.’

     With much concern, I’m here reminded of the angels in heaven, crying, blessed are those in the FIRST resurrection, upon which “the second death,” meaning the lake of fire, hath no power, and Jesus first forewarning about deception, “don’t let not man deceive you,” beware, Apb} to do those things which are not convenient; (which are not fitting) {I have prophesied, that as Holy Spirits revealed a rising out of the earth mighty bringer of death, 1994, 96, as to their explanation why, came the descriptive, of abominations and detestations upon their lives, lands and their famed churches as they’d forsaken God!, hence the loan of the artificial leopard skin coat, which totally bedazzle everyone making it’s contact, loan, meaning very, extremely costly, accursed, Apb}
                                           Apostates, Here Are The Results

29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,

30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,

31 Without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: (these things listed, {horrid things listed, as so all judgments listed in the book of Revelation, Apb} are the horrible results of forsaking God, which is the reason for all the strife in the world) {the last time holy spirit gave me a rather rough look at this evil, like tearing a whole in the temple wall for Ezekiel. This inconceivable wickedness now elevated not only toward gravely dissolved grandparents burying their known to be alive grandchildren, yes alive. Though as a mighty grim reaper in the land, coming upon as many as of those in this urgent stampede, as only he can, this looming, sword like syringe, which totally and completely defeated them. Actually, see one city leader threat to call in the national guards, heroin abuse, this much of an epidemic, breaking bad indeed, Apb}

32 Who knowing the judgment of God, (in essence saying do your worse, and it will not stop us, {as to slap Him. God in the face averse to kissing Him Apb}, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, (divine judgment is implied) {all threats rebelled, proof at them legalizing even campaign style, what to God are abominations}, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them. (proclaims the results of a reprobate mind), {legalize sin, Noah earth style, ABOMINATION! The Leopard Spots, even as a birth defect, impenetrable.}.

All Unrighteous is sin, what is sin then? All Unrighteousness, what is unrighteousness, sin! Again and Again
     The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? Jer. 17:9, (God  knows the hopeless corruption of the natural heart, and so he said to Nicodemus that no one, however cultural and moral , {the Adamic  race, lineage, Apb} can neither see or enter in the kingdom of God. There must be a new birth {see the woman seed, Jesus, Apb} Jsm), (the prophet Jeremiah, actually the Holy Spirit speaking through him,  didn’t mince sugar with living water,  truth, when he just came right out to tell us, you, the heart can’t be trusted, it is damn dangerous, even contagious, it, is accursed!

The Heart, Who Can Know It!  

     Then answered Peter and said unto him, Declare unto us this parable. (give us more explanation)
16 And Jesus said, Are ye also yet without understanding? (The Great reason for the need to be lead by the Holy Spirit {Rom. 8:14})

17 Do not ye yet understand, that whatsoever entereth in at the mouth goeth into the belly, and is cast out into the draught? (proclaims the fact that the eating of food has nothing to do with the spiritual side of man)

18 But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man. (not everything that which comes out of the mouth of man is defiling, only that which proceeds from an evil heart).

19 For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies: (this proclaims the depravity of the unconverted human heart, which was the condition of Pharisees) {see also mass assembly, needing Holy Spirit described, 2013, to fall in love with God, Apb}, despite their religiosity):

20 These are the things which defile a man: but to eat with unwashed hands defiled not a man. (Satan is master at placing the emphasis on the insignificant, instead of the real problem) {the wicked heart, Apb}JSM,). {Henceforth, the mystery regarding the offer of the loan of the artificial leopard skin coat, regardless that it was a  loan. As so, regardless that it was artificial, that it was apparently completely worthless, and thus accursed, it bedazzled and thus corrupted all who made it’s contact, beware of inconsequential celebrity like gifts, for like it’s Satanic provider, stealing away that most important, mankind, immortal reign with, Elohim, Apb, The RAM} See, Mat. 15:15-20
And God Gave Them Up To Defile Their Own Flesh,
Now Corrupted Blood,

     -Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be clean: from all your filthiness, and from all your idols, will I cleanse you. A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you a heart of flesh. Ezekiel 36:25, 26

     -Out of all things allowed to see, and the last thirty years being brought back to my memories, this scripture here being fulfilled, was the first of what I saw. That’s after the Christ of resurrection arrive me there, where the Prophet Ezekiel open three time test doors per God’s throne in heaven. The Prophet Ezekiel here describes us being rid of its evil completely, how God will for its sincere penitence reach in and take out the old heart. Taking look behind three time, tested doors, yes, I saw it all, God’s hand bearing an old to new heart, a heart of being human being, one of which Jesus Christ would call, being born again.

Crucified, Nevertheless I Live, How? Dead Flesh, Living Spirit, Jesus’ Business    

    Now the apostle Paul simply define and clearly describes it as being crucified with Him, Jesus, Gal. 2:20 I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.

     A Mighty Prophet Of Israel Will Come

     Now the woman of Samaria, st. Jn. 1-40,  understood it as worshipping God in truth and spirit. Now the religious leaders Nicodemus, St. Jn. 3rd Chapter, thought to see, was as one entering the woman, the mother’s womb for a second time and being reborn. That as prophesied and promised as God has done, creating a another, this second Adam, for when the fullness of time hath come, see Gal. 4:4, God brought forth His Son, made of a woman, made under the law, to redeem those under the law, (in other words Jesus had to keep the mosaic law perfectly, {revealing the religious for their dangerous hypocrisy, Apb}, if He was to fulfill it, which no man hath done, JSM), that we  might receive the adoption of sons.

What Is Truth? The Mockery, Casting Lots Over His Garments   

     Now Governor Pilate, making mockery of truth, like millions of Americans and still millions of others do, being just as guilty as those casting lots over his precious garments. This famed leader, soon to wash his hands completely, as one comprehending on his own, just above all captivity and perversion was prepared a home, even an heir ship, even this no man’s zone,  arriving Christ’s believers right into God’s Throne.

If Only To Touch The Hem Of His Garment

      Then come the woman with the issue  of blood, saying if she can only touch the garment of ‘THE JESUS,’  not realizing how speedy this divine transmission, going from being the forbidden as said by corrupted laws of God to being blessed by God’s own Son, now labeling and admonishing her a daughter unto God’s throne, ah the forgiveness unto newness of a Holy,  Mighty God.  

O The Blood Of The Lamb, Immeasurable,

     To keep from going on and on for an eternity, I just tell people all that’s gone before them, this entire American Dream are temporal problem solvers as band aids, wise fables and addictive pain killers when what they need is open heart surgeries, that’s with Holy Spirits as this decisive trial manager. Of Course, a sobbing John was told to weep not, behold Lamb of God, unto the resurrected, glorified, of their Christ awaiting unto His enemies are made His foot stool. This glorious for this final time, reminding us, God judges totally at Ones Heart, that’s Jesus lamenting from the cross, how it’s all finished, how it’s all done, behold this Lion of the Tribe of Judah.

Behold I Beseech You!

      Miraculously and without ceasing, you hear the Holy Spirit by the Apostle Paul, crying and lamentation aloud, one if not of his Apostles most shared scripture, remember Holy Spirit writing none of this can be, except He is allowed to take this lead, it’s like taking the hand of your heart, into the light of life, out of a once indecipherable, consuming darkness, see here, Romans 12, 1, 2 Apb.

     I beseech you therefore, brethren, (I beg you please), by the mercies of God, (all is given to the believer, not because of merit on the believers part, but strictly because of the mercy of God), that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, (the word “Sacrifice,” speaks of the sacrifice of Christ, and means we cannot do this, which the Holy Spirit demands, unless our faith is placed strictly in the Christ {i. e. Holy Spirits, Apb}, and the Cross, which then gives the Holy Spirit the latitude to carry out this great work within our lives.) {the only sacrifice the Holy Father surely Delights Himself in, see Ps. 51, Apb} holy, (that which the holy spirit alone can do), acceptable unto God, (actually mean that a Holy physical body, i. e. “temple” is all he will accept), which is your reasonable service. (Reasonable if we look to Christ and the Cross, otherwise, impossible) {as I testified, Holy Spirits showed me this by writing in the midst of Roman 6th chapter of Paul’s epistle, admittedly proving, Holy Scripture has one Author and thus Divine Interpreter and Finisher, ‘and I shall send you another comforter, and he shall lead you into all truth, Jesus unto the Holy Spirit, Apb. }

     2 And be not conformed to this world: (the ways of the world) but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, (we must start thinking spiritually {totally expectant according to as we have need, Apb } which refers to the fact all things are furnished to us through the cross, and is obtained by faith not works, JSM) {For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace, (Rom. 8:6, 7), Apb,}  that ye may prove what is that good, (Is put to the test and finds that the thing tested meets the specifications laid down), {I explained recently how man only has one good, Jesus Christ, Apb} and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. (presents that which the Holy Spirit is attempting to bring about within our lives and can only be obtained ever making the cross the object of our Faith). {It is the righteousness of God, and the righteousness of God is phenomena beyond any words of description and we’re hated as those proving a newly made heart unto Jesus, can, has and will to the end endure and overcome this world as it’s own savior has done, halleluiah for all time, to this blessed Lamb Of God, Apb},  

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